About Us Info
Formerly known as Digitalpowerpro.com... VoltMart.com was established with a simple mission and philosophy in mind...
"Sell high-quality power accessories with unmatched customer service and offer the best 1-Year Replacement Warranty online."
This determination is still the focus of VoltMart.com's daily operation.
It takes a lot of time and energy to find and service you, our valued customer. We want to make sure you choose VoltMart.com for your future power supply needs. In order to build that kind of customer faith and confidence we offer an ironclad 1-Year Replacement Warranty on all of our products. We stand behind our products 100% and if your purchase becomes defective, due to normal use, we'll replace the product with a brand new functioning item. Purchase with confidence!
Every time you contact VoltMart.com, whether by phone or email, you'll connect with a real-live customer service representative. We pride ourselves on our reputation of personalized customer service where phone calls are picked up by a human being instead of a labyrinth of menu options, and customer's emails are given personal attention instead of canned automated responses. If you have a question or need assistance making an order call us and speak with us directly. If we're busy with another customer you can leave a message or simply call back in 5 - 10 minutes to speak with the next available representative.
We're a company made up of real people, just like you. We buy stuff online, just like you. We offer the same online shopping experience we expect when we shop online.
Please let us know if we can improve our operation in any way. Contact us at help@voltmart.com
Thank you for choosing VoltMart.com